When I would be working on a book or screenplay, I always had an "Edits" doc, where I could cut my darlings (rather than kill them) and paste them into that separate file so they were available if/when I needed them. They weren't lost forever (and I think that eased the anxiety of editing...I could always put them back). I think that hoarding is a bit of optimism, rather than grief, at least for me. I'm better at tossing out (recycling when possible) holiday and birthday cards, but not photos or meaningful notes/letters. I even screenshot kind posts from others, just because they make me smile. I, too, was a fan of "Hoarders" and have known a few in my time (my grandmother being one...who knew not everyone had a "junk room" in their house?). I think there's a difference between keeping ev-er-y-thing and keeping a lot of stuff that you like/created/makes you feel good. I would keep that video of the boat tour, Sarah. You never know how it could be used again. 😉 xo

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