Oh man… sometimes— like a hit by these multiple disappointments or post surgery— a good day of binging some other story is called for. Allow yourself a day to feel and re-collect your energy! 😘💪🏼🎈

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Yes, I need that! I have been trying to squeeze that in somewhere...

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May 23Liked by Sarah Thibault

Horrible things are going on in the world right now (but really, is there ever not?) and there will always be people who are going through “worse” than what we may be. Something I've learned, and continue to have to remind myself, is that it’s useless to compare suffering. It’s an easy way to minimize (sometimes an attempt to avoid) what we are going through, but serves no purpose. Feelings are feelings, and unless we acknowledge them they will continue to build and fester. Someone else going through what we deem a worse situation doesn’t mean you (me, everyone) aren’t entitled to the pain you feel. It does not diminish or invalidate what you are dealing with. 🫶🏼

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I'm on a quest to get people to stop qualifying their pain/discomfort/experience because "the world". You had multiple rugs pulled out from under you, Sarah. You get to have feelings about that without comparison. We shouldn't feel bad about feeling bad. Just feel. And remember, as much as it sucks, rejection is protection. Figure that you dodged something you didn't need, and now you can go in a different direction where something wonderful and unexpected awaits. I say this having been there, not to put a shine on a turd. I'm so sorry, Sarah. Sometimes, I think we evolve super quickly and then the opportunities we thought we needed aren't...but we are just left with that disappointment and nagging Why?! Hang in there. All we can do to soften the blow is not take it personally and appreciate that you get to have something else that will likely be better for you. Open the door for that. xo

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She gets it too!

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May 23·edited May 23Author

haha. Yes it's funny you both echoed one another. I honestly do honor my pain which is why I wrote about it. Looking back I think I qualified my suffering with "the world" comment to avoid trolls who might accuse me of 1st world problems, which is a blog post on its own.

It's the finding a way to be gentle to ourselves that is the real challenge and the work. Super easy to say, boring to keep at :)

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May 23Liked by Sarah Thibault

Exactly. It’s one of those things that's a simple concept, but not at all easy…and far from comfortable sometimes.

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If any trolls appear, Sarah, send them my way. I eat them for breakfast.

It just breaks my heart when a friend will be talking to me IRL and will go down the list of all the things that are worse than what she's going through. We are smart people. We can do the awful-things math. Just tell me what's going on. And I'm glad (and know) you honor your feelings. It shows in your work. xo

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